The things that interest me…why not share it to the world???

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kontera! Where's my ContentLink™?!?!

Two days ago, I signed up in an in-text advertising provider to try a product that might monetize my web blogs. The provider’s name is Kontera. According to Wikipedia, Kontera’s technology is based on a number proprietary semantic, statistical, linguistic, and yield maximization algorithms that determine online content, extract and rank topics and keywords, and then match them to relevant ads, content, and information. It is much known on the web because of its product, ContentLink™.

As early as March 2008 (the month I started blogging), I’ve been craving to try ContentLink™. I’ve always wanted to apply it on my blogs so I could somehow earn bucks. I’ve seen so many websites having ContentLink™ and I guess, they are gaining huge amounts of income out of it. ContentLink™’s links for me are sort of irresistible and attractive for site visitors, especially those who are non-internet-inclined persons. There is a huge possibility that they will click one of those links, and if that happens frequently, dollars will flow effortlessly.

Actually, I had browsed Kontera’s website just last month. When I first visited the site, I thought that they are not offering ContentLink™ to bloggers with blogs having poor or no page ranks or, a great amount of traffic. I also thought that it’s not free, that you need to buy the product.

Two weeks later, through’s e-mail (I think), I found out that I was totally wrong. It’s free, and my blogs are fairly qualified!

After signing up and confirming my account, I immediately pasted the codes to my websites. Like an obedient kid, I carefully followed every step of the installation process.

Paste the code just before the </BODY> tag and wait for 24 hours for the codes to become functional.

…And so I waited…

Exactly 24 hours later, I was surprised…so surprised that my blogs had undergone…NO CHANGES AT ALL. Freak! I didn’t see any double-underlined links on both of my two blogs. How miserable! There’s no ContentLink™, there’s no advertising, there’s no money.

Why is it so? I’m pretty sure I followed the instruction very cautiously. How come ContentLink™ is still not operational? Is ContentLink™ not available for Blogspot bloggers?

Now that two days have passed, ContentLink™’s links are still not showing up. This is not good anymore. I’m starting to hate my once desire. If it will stay the same for a week, I shall spread to everyone that this is a one lump of shit.

ContentLink™! Kontera! Don’t be so freaky! Give me my links ASAP!

Make sure to leave a comment, ok?

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Good luck